Limited-Term Professorship

The CSIRF is proud to award sponsored, supported Limited-Term Professorships to established academics at Canadian universities. Awarded to one professor at a time for a three-year commitment, the appointee will act as a liaison to industry representatives, while undertaking advanced research into topics pertaining to capital markets.

With sponsorship of $50,000 per year for the duration of the Professorship, this prestigious role is intended to recognize the exciting, cutting-edge capital market research being conducted in Canada, while also bolstering the visibility and accessibility of the invaluable minds behind the theory.


June 2027


The applicant should submit a detailed proposal outlining what research they would undertake in fulfilment of their role as the CSIRF Limited-Term Professor. The proposal should include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Demonstrated knowledge of, and commitment to, Canadian capital markets
  • Brief description of your research and/or professional experience
  • Current areas of interest and study
  • Biographical information (education, contact information)
  • Aims and goals for your term as Limited Term Professor
  • Suggestions regarding content and scope of yearly reporting during your Professorship
  • Any other information or commitments the selection committee should be made aware of

Proposal Assessment

Applicants will be screened for qualities the Foundation believes are essential ingredients of future professional accomplishment and/or reasonable reliable indicators of future professional success.

These may include:

  • Exceptional intelligence and creativity with particular emphasis on aspects related to Canadian capital markets
  • Demonstrated knowledge of, and commitment to, the Canadian capital markets
  • Extraordinary accomplishment in professional academic study
  • Appropriate moral and ethical values

The Foundation will consider an individual professor’s ideas regarding the role they and their institution play in meeting the CSI Research Foundation’s mandate, goals and objectives.


Disbursement of Funds

Each payment will be made to the successful applicant’s university, at a date agreed upon with the applicant’s university.

It is the Foundation’s policy not to pay an administration fee or overhead expense to the respective university on the awards we grant.

Agreement, Declaration and Signatures

Awards will be made by way of an agreement between the university, the professor and the foundation.

Suspension and Termination

The Foundation may suspend an award in such circumstances as: illness, parental leave, compassionate leave. In such event where suspension is granted, an agreement will be reached between the professor, the Foundation and the university regarding recommencement of the term (if applicable).

The Foundation may terminate an award in such circumstances as:

  • Professor does not comply with the conditions
  • Professor fails to pursue the agreed conditions as set out in his/her proposal

The Foundation accepts no liability for the manner in which the professor conducts their work. The professor will be responsible for the work and its consequences.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Foundation will make no claim to ownership or control of any intellectual property arising from, or in association with the program of research undertaken by the Professor.

It is the responsibility of the university to negotiate any necessary agreements regarding intellectual property.

Reporting, Dissemination and Acknowledgement

A report is required at the end of each year, prior to continued financing.

The report will contain information that has been agreed upon and aligns with the applicant’s proposal. An annual meeting with a representative of the Foundation will be held at a mutually agreeable time.

The Foundation retains the right to publish the applicant name and nature of research in all activities and/or published material it may prepare.

Contact Us

You may contact the Canadian Securities Institute Research Foundation at:

200 Wellington Street West, 15th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 3C7

Email the Executive Director of the Canadian Securities Institute Research Foundation, Heather-Anne Irwin: